Postpartum doula 


Seeking support is a sign of strength


Seeking support is a sign of strength ~

you’re at home with your new baby…

…now what?

In the US 98.4% of moms give birth in a hospital setting. This means you are most likely to go from having 24/7 care with medical professionals who are constantly checking on you and baby to …nada! Many families endorse having this “So now what..?” Moment. This can be very overwhelming and flat out scary for a lot of parents.

When was the last time baby ate? How many wet diapers a day is normal? Should we be sleep training now or does that come later? When do we set up the first visit with the pediatrician? How do you swaddle again? The list of questions go on and on. The anxiety of the unknown and the tremendous pressure to be the best parent & have everything figured out right away can be debilitating. You are not alone in this.

Now imagine.. Having the support of a trained professional to help guide you through those first few weeks home with your new babe. Someone to help calm your fears and teach you the ins & outs of newborn care at your own pace in the comfortability of your own home.

No judgement -just loving support.

An extra set of hands to help with baby care, light tidying, and meal prep. Having someone around who’s main priority is to nurture you so you can show up as the absolute best parent for your newest addition.