So…What is a Doula?

A doula is a professionally trained support person who provides physical, educational, and emotional guidance to new & expanding families.







As You Navigate this New Role as a Parent

Common questions

  • You’re welcoming a new baby into the family. What a beautiful time filled with lots of love, joy & anticipation! What people don’t often talk about is that it is completely normal for this time to also be filled with lots of fear, and anxiety. Your mind starts racing with insecurity rooted in the unknown. What will contractions feel like? How long will the labor be? How do I want to labor? What do I want in my birth plan? How do you swaddle a baby? Breast feed or bottle feed? The list goes on and on. This can be an extremely trying time for families without the appropriate support.

    A doula is a trained professional in all things labor & postpartum who is here to reassure you of your innate ability to birth and parent you baby. We have the training & experience to calm those fears and provide you with a space of loving support throughout your journey.

  • The short answer is ANYONE who may be expecting a new addition to their family. Every family is different, and hiring the right Doula for you and your unique family is crucial. You want to hire a doula who you feel comfortable with. I offer nonjudgmental, loving support to anyone who needs it.

    This may include:

    New parents

    Parents of multiples

    Surgical births and recovery

    Hospital births

    Home births

    Parents with limited support in the area

    Busy families with other small children

    Families with partners unable to take time off of work

    Parents adopting their baby

    Surrogate Mothers

    Adoptive parents

    And many more!

  • If this is a situation you find yourself in mama you are NOT alone! Doula services are not as common as they used to be. Often times partners aren’t aware of the role a Doula plays in the birth and postpartum setting. I would be more than happy to set up a virtual or in person consultation to have a discussion on the benefits of having a doula and going over services with you and your partner. :)

  • No, I will not be telling you what to do/ the ‘right’ way to labor or parent! The truth is there is not one ‘right’ way for any of these things! I’m here to help guide & support you in your personal journey of figuring out what that means for you! Part of a doula’s job is to educate their clients on topics they are unfamiliar with. We do not tell you how to parent or how to birth your baby. We will provide you with evidence-based resources to help you feel empowered when making your parenting decisions.

  • Absolutely NOT!! This is a fear a lot of partners admit to having before they meet with a Doula. The fact is that I am here for both you and your partner throughout this process. I have the skills, knowledge and techniques to help facilitate a calm, and empowering birthing experience. However, I am a firm believer that I cannot offer the type of loving support to you that your partner can during this sacred transition. What I can do is actively work with your partner to assist them in being the best birthing partner to you that they can be.

Studies have shown that laboring mamas having the support of a Doula are …

  • less likely to require surgical interventions for delivery

  • less likely to require drugs to induce labor

  • have a shorter laboring period overall in comparison to those without.

  • Benefit from decreased anxiety

  • Boosted self esteem

  • Improved postpartum mental health

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